Thursday, October 30, 2008

My hubby

He is the most amazing man I have ever known in my life. I joke with him and tell him that the reason why we are still married after all of these years is because he wakes up, makes coffee and brings it to me each morning. That's a lot of years of waking me up. The best part of waking up is my hubby standing by the bed with my coffee mug, LOL. But, I DO think that the smallest of gestures can really go a long way. We compliment each other very well and have found a balance. It's just there. We are always learning new things about each other and there is nothing like going through the bullshit that is infertility to really teach a couple the importance of working together. I have watched him suffer so much and this really hurts him too. We have to do IVF because of low count, motility and morphology. His count was around 1 to 2 million the last few times we checked. Most people have success with a pregnancy because of around 80 million or more. I think it hurts my hubby because he already has a biological child and now has the contributing factor for OUR infertility. When our 1st IVF cycle failed, I have never seen him cry so much. The only 2 times I have ever seen my hubby cry in the past 10 years was when our beloved dog Penny was hit by a car and when our IVF cycle failed. It hurts him to the core. I think a lot of the part leading up to IVF and the actual process of IVF was when I really grieved--so by the time our 1st IVF cycle failed, I was just relieved. Happy to know we tried (THAT IS SUCCESS IN AND OF ITSELF) but also happy to have my life back. It was always the not knowing and having things up in the air that really pissed me off. BUT, my hubby grieved for the loss of our embryos. It hit him really hard. He gave me all of my shots but ONE!! hehe. And he was just taking a nap, so next time I really will wake him up. He said that's OK. Because I really didn't like that part--probably because I know already what's coming, but WHEN it's coming too:) So, he will do all of my shots the next go round 4 sure. (I hope nothing comes up where I have to give a shot myself) He supports whatever decisions I want to make about infertility and wants to see me happy. He's OK with us trying IVF again or trying adoption. He said that as long as I am happy--He would be happy. Smart man, the wife should always get her way, haha!!! His support means the world to me and I am so blessed to have found him. Even though he's disgusting and will probably never learn how to clean up after himself the way that I would like him to:)


Sable Fahndu said...

It's so sweet to here that. And it's nice knowing that you're not going alone through it, he knows just how you feel. Huggles.

Lisa said...

Hey Girl,
Sounds like your hubby is a good man. Just lean on each other through your next procedure. I am always thinking of you, wishing you well and here for you if you ever need to talk. ~ HUGS ~